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Q: What are the four extra minutes in the solar day are due to our?
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Why is the solar day longer?

The solar day is longer than the sidereal day because the Earth rotates on its axis while also orbiting the Sun. This means it must complete a slightly longer rotation to bring the same point on its surface back to face the Sun due to its orbital motion.

How is a solar day different from a sidereal day?

A solar day is 24 hours whereas a sidereal day is 23 hours and 56 minutes

How a solar day is differ from a sidereal day?

A solar day is 24 hours whereas a sidereal day is 23 hours and 56 minutes

How many earth day is there in a mars day?

The day lengths are very similar. Earth has a 24 hour day. This is the"solar day". Earth spins once in about 4 minutes less time than the solar day and that's called the sidereal day. Mars spins once in about 24 hours 37 minutes. The solar day on Mars is about 2 minutes longer.

What are synonyms for 'day'?

The synonyms for day include: * twenty-four hours * solar day

How many hours is a Mars day?

24 Hours and 37 Minutes Improvement: That's the "sidereal day". The "solar day" is about 2 minutes longer.

How many minutes later each day do stars rise?

Stars rise about 4 minutes earlier each day due to the Earth's rotation on its axis. This is because the Earth completes a full rotation every 24 hours, so stars appear to rise and set about 4 minutes earlier each day.

How many minutes make one day?

There are sixty (60) minutes in an hour, and twenty-four (24) hours in a day. This means there are one-thousand four-hundred forty (1,440) minutes in a day.

Which planet's day is closest to that of an earth day?

A "sol", or solar day on Mars, is only about 40 minutes longer than a solar day on Earth. This is by far the closest to being the same as Earth's of any planet in the solar system.

The fact that the Earth has moved along its orbit in the time it took to rotate once is the reason for?

the difference between a solar day (based on the position of the Sun) and a sidereal day (based on the position of the stars). Because the Earth has moved in its orbit, it needs to rotate a little longer to bring the Sun back to the same position in the sky each day.

How long is a solar day on Mars?

A solar day on Mars, also known as a "sol," is approximately 24 hours, 39 minutes, and 35.244 seconds. This is only slightly longer than a day on Earth.

What is Mars length of days?

A day on Mars, referred to as a "sol," is approximately 24 hours and 37 minutes long. This is the time it takes for Mars to complete one full rotation on its axis.