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Q: What are the four steps to reading a graph?
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What is the first step in reading a graph?

The first step in reading a graph is to look at the title to learn what the graph is about.

What is the importance in reading graph?

The scales and title applied to the graph's axes.

Steps in making a graph?

Step 1. Determine what will be on the graph. Step 2. Make the graph.

How do you use coordinate graph in sentence?

The teacher ask me to say the steps to do a coordinate graph.

How might you apply each of the four steps in the textbook reading system described in Ch 7 of the text to reading electronic materials?

How might you apply each of the four steps in the system of textbook reading, located in the A Plan for Active Reading section of Ch. 7, to reading text on your computer? The four strategies for Active reading are previewing, marking, reading with concentration and reviewing. Applying these techniques to reading text on a computer screen is simple in some aspects and different in another. College students will have to adjust a few active reading steps so they apply to computer reading. Previewing is looking over a chapter for the introduction, summary, heading, sub-heading, and connecting it to the knowledge the students already knows. Reading the assignment online or in a book is similar for most college students concerning previewing. Here are several techniques in previewing that serve useful in computer reading, mapping, outlining, and listing. ]

Four sections into which the graph is divided?

The Cartesian graph is divided into four sections called quadrants.

How can you describe a situation given a graph?

The answer depends on what type of information is contained in the graph, the form of the graph and how good you are at reading and interpreting that information.

How do you use a broken line graph steps?

you don't

What are the five steps in drawing a graph?

to go basement

What are the steps in preparing a graphical representation of experimental data?

construct a graph, label the graph, present the data

What should you look at when reading a chart graph or table?

It would help if you look at the chart graph or table!

What are the steps in plotting a line graph?

There are seven steps which are: 1. Identify the variables 2. Determine the variable range 3. Determine the scale of the graph 4. Number and label each axis 5. Plot the data points 6. Draw the graph 7. Title the graph