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Q: What are the four values all laws are based on?
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Are all laws based on a policy?

In some countries, yes. All of the United States's laws are based on the constitution. In other countries, no.

What laws and values of Western civilization do you feel have been influenced most by Judaism?

All of our western laws and values have been influenced to some extend by Judaism. This is because basically our laws are derived from the ten commandments.

Definition of moral values?

Moral values are principles or beliefs that guide an individual's behavior and decision-making, based on what is considered right or wrong. These values help determine what actions are viewed as virtuous, ethical, or just. They can be influenced by factors such as culture, religion, personal experiences, and societal norms.

What the four types of laws?

Criminal, civil, common, and statuate are the four types of law.Whomever answered this question before me is incorrect! >_< These are the four types of government:Statutory Law: laws that are passed by lawmaking bodiesCommon Law: a type of law that is made based on multiple judges' decisionsAdministrative Law: laws that affect our daily lives that are created by government agenciesConstitutional Law: laws based on the Constitution of the United States and on Supreme Court decisions interpreting the ConstitutionThese are all four of the government laws and their meaning/purpose. :)

What are four laws governing radiation?

The four laws governing radiation are Kirchhoff's law, Planck's law, Stefan-Boltzmann law, and Wien's law. All these laws describe the manifestations of radiative phenomena.

When referring to the historical context of a text all what are included except a time period b authors values c events that had taken place d laws and societal values of the time?

Author's values

How the inner planets are similar to each other?

The four inner planets are all made of rock or are rock based but the four outer planets are all made of gas or gas based.

What can you infer about Babylonian culture based on the laws and punishments?

Studies on langue and DNA most scientists agree that Mesopotamia is the birth place of all people living in the planet. Sure enough the Hammurabi code is the first codified set of laws in existence. The code was a just one for the rich the poor and the slave.

Which type of reasoning is usually based on laws rules principles generalizations or defenitions?

all of them

What do the angles in a parallelogram equal?

If you add the values of all four angles in a parallelogram together, the total will be 360 degrees.

What is the value of inequality?

x&lt;3, all values of x that are less than three x&gt;4, all values of x that are greater than four It's hard to put into words, so I hope you understand.

Are airsoft guns illegal in Pennsylvania?

Check with local law enforcement. The laws vary based on city, county and state.