Not every relation is a function. But every function is a relation. Function is just a part of relation.
The cubic function.
A formula or graph are two ways to describe a math function. How a math function is described depends on the domain of the function or the complexity of the function.
i believe the answer to that question is RTN
As of July 2014, the market cap for Raytheon Company (RTN) is $29,267,772,350.00.
The anagram RTN has several meanings. To determine which definition a person means then one must know what topic the anagram is used, such as computers or medical. In computers RTN it can mean return or Recursive Transition Network. In medical terminology RTN means Rapid Tissue Necrosis.
The ticker symbol for Raytheon Company is RTN and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange.
On a computer keyboard it is RTN
RTN's Night of Horror - 2013 TV was released on: USA: 30 October 2013
Public, the symbol is RTN.
The symbol for Raytheon Company in the NYSE is: RTN.