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Q: What are the functions that generate the following mixed outputs from given outputs 4 2 0 5 0 4 8 10?
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What are the functions that generate the following mixed outputs for the given mixed inputs?

That depends on what the following mixed outputs are. Is this perhaps from the Collins new maths frameworking year 8 textbook? ;)

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write the javascript code to display the reverse no. of given no. (e.g. 247 reverse of 742)

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A deterministic system is one that produces predictable set of outputs given a set of specific input parameters. The outputs of a probabilistic system, on the other hand, always vary.

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The range is the set of all possible outputs values for the function when given inputs from the domain.

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Use a pseudo-random number generator to produce random integers. To determine if a given integer is odd or even, use the following functions: bool is_odd (int x) { return x%2; } bool is_even (int x) { return !is_odd (x); }

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Solar panels come in various sizes and have, therefore, different outputs and uses, so no answer can be given.

Sir i have a problem. do you send me the program that generate the code 06230 when i enter 6652537 or generate code 01686 when i enter 6287315 or generate code 18466 when i enter 4212069?

Does anyone else understand what this human is asking? I think this person is asking "Will" you send me a program that will generate those outputs for the given inputs. Unfortunately for the asker, there are an infinite number of programs that can generate that output for those inputs. For example, this JavaScript function answers the question but is not very useful:function foo( input ) {var retVal;switch ( input ) {case "6652537":retVal = "06230";break;case "6287315":retVal = "01686";break;case "4212069":retVal = "18466";break;default:retVal = "0";break;}return retVal;}

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a promlem to solve an equation or a assigment