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Q: What are the general proofs of categories?
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What two general categories can be used to classify most of the elements on the periodic table?

There are 2 most general categories. These are metals and non-metals.

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What are to two general categories of carbohydrates?

"Complex" and "Simple".

Is the correct term proof of deliveries or proofs of delivery?

I imagine it's proofs of delivery similar to how it's attorneys general

What are the three general categories of elements?

liquid, solid, gas

What are The two general categories of biogeochemical cycles?

gaseous and sedimentary

What general categories of power does president hold?

implied and expressed

What general categories of powers does the President hold?

implied and expressed

The four categories of support are .?

general, mutual, direct, and close

What is the plural possessive of proofs?

The possessive form of the plural noun proofs is proofs'.Example: I'm waiting for the proofs' delivery from the printer.

Why are there different sections of the library?

Usually books are separated into these basic categories: Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Reference Although depending on your library, there can be more specific categories or more categories in general.