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Q: What are the groups and features?
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Describe the features and advantages of using address books (Contact lists) and groups

What are the key features of social networking sites?

The important features are Chat, games, friend finder, and groups

Did Linnaeus place organisms into groups based on their observabable features?

Ya he did

What are features of two major groups of minerals?

nonsilicate and silicate minerals

What groups are protecting watersheds?

A watershed is the set of raised geographic features that bound individual catchments.I know of no groups with the aim suggested.

The animal that has both vertebrate and invertebrate features?

The horseshoe crab is an example of an animal that has both vertebrate and invertebrate features. It has a hard exoskeleton like an invertebrate, but also possesses a primitive form of a segmented backbone similar to vertebrates.

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Are the two features of the two major groups of minerals?

nonsilicate and silicate minerals

Which scientist organized animals into groups according to observable features?

Carolus linnaeus

What is the singing style which features groups singing in alternation and then together?

When groups are singing the same song but different tunes, it is called harmony. When the groups are singing together, it is called unison.

What are the major groups into which scientists classify animals?

animals are put into groups because they have different features for example snakes are scally,horses are furry and so on and so fourth like if you dint have groups you would mistake worms for a snakes because they have the same features but there in different groups.

How does carolus linnaeus contribute to modern classification?

he placed organisms into groups based on their observable features