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collectively kown as computation

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Q: What are the key words for math when your supposed to add subtract and mulitiply and divide?
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How can we determine what to do add subtract multiply or divide on word problem questions on whole numbers?

Word problems have key words, like sum, add, difference, subtract, product, multiply, quotient, divide.

What are the operations in order?

Parentheses () Exponents Multiply * Divide / Addition + Subtract - In other words pemdas

What is the definition of operator in math?

An operator is "a symbol or function representing a mathematical operation." In other words, it's the symbol telling you what should be done in the equation, (i.e., add, subtract, multiply, divide...)

How much of a research paper should be quoted material?

20% Use MS Word to count total words. Subtract words in cover page. Subtract words in Reference page. Copy and paste all quotes into a single document to gather word use. divide quotes by total words times by 100 % = quote use. example: 526 words use (total) - 67 words (cover page & references) = 459 words. total quoted words = 63. (63/459)*100=13.72% The paper is comprised of 13.72% of quoted material.

What words begin with sub?

submarine subtract .ect

What others words mean subtract?

Finding the difference of.

What other words mean the same as subtract?


What are some words that subtract mean?

take away, minus

What are 2 words that mean to subtract?

the difference or take away

How long means you have to add or subtract or divide?

That's going to depend on what information they give you, before you come to the words "How long ..." . There's no general rule. You just have to use your brain every time. There's no way around it. Sorry.

Is thankyou 2 words?

Yes it is supposed to be 2 words.

What are some subbtraction words?

Decrease,negative,take away,and subtract!