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a ramp and a screw.

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Q: What are the kinds of an inclined plne?
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What kinds of simple machine is a ski run?

An Inclined Plane

What kind of inclined plane are there?

There are many kinds of inclined planes. Some examples are: driveways, slide, and a ramp. There are many kinds of inclined planes. Some examples are: driveways, slide, and a ramp.

What are six kinds of simple machine?

Lever Pulley Gear Inclined planes wheels ; and axles

What golfer lost arm by propeller blade?

Australia's Jack Newton, "safety aspects around the plne were deficient", which means he was probably drunk.

What are kinds of simple machine?

The different kinds of simple machines are: 1. Lever (and fulcrum sometimes) 2. Inclined Plane 3. Pulley 4. Screw 5. Wedge 6. Wheel and Axle 7. And Gears

What are the crimes against humanity committed in September 11th?

The NYC twin-towers attack, the downing of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania and the plne crash into the Pentagon.

What is the difference between a pulley and wheel and axle?

there are two kinds of pulleys. A movable pulley and a fixed pulley. But a wheel and axle have a lever and a inclined plane. [someone] :]

What is the difference between the wheel and axle and the pulley?

there are two kinds of pulleys. A movable pulley and a fixed pulley. But a wheel and axle have a lever and a inclined plane. [someone] :]

What is an antonym for inclined?

Declined is an antonym for inclined.

What is does inclined mean?

Inclined means to have a purpose

Is a hammer a inclined plane?

Yes, a hammer is a inclined plane. It's head, is the inclined plane.

Is a pulley a inclined plane or machine?

its a inclined plane