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A line through the middle.

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Q: What are the lines of symmetry in HIDE?
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Is there 2 lines of symmetry or 4 lines of symmetry in a rectangle?

2 lines of symmetry

What figure has two lines of symmetry?

Equilateral Triangles (3 lines of symmetry)Rectangles (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Squares (4 lines of symmetry)Rhombuses (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Any regular polygon (at least 5 lines of symmetry)

How many lines of symmetry does a four point star have?

it has five lines of symmetry

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A nephroid has 2 lines of symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry does a parallelagram have?

A parallelagram can be a square, which has four lines of symmetry or a rectangle which has two lines of symmetry but the generic parallelagram has zero lines of symmetry

What lines of symmetry does the letter G have?

it has no lines of symmetry

What are the eight lines of symmetry?

There is no such thing as 8 lines of symmetry. A circle, for example, has infinitely many lines of symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry does a decagon?

A decagon need not have any lines of symmetry. It can also have 1 or 10 lines of symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry in pentgon drawing of lines of symmetry?

5 lines

What is the difference between lines of symmetry and planes of symmetry?

Lines of symmetry are 2 dimensional. Planes of symmetry are 3D.

Can a quadrilateral have two lines of symmetry?

Yes. Some example of this are:Rectangles (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Squares (4 lines of symmetry)Rhombuses (at least 2 lines of symmetry)

Does any rectangle have 3 lines of symmetry?

A rectangle has 2 lines of symmetry whereas a square has 4 lines of symmetry