the lines on the globe are called longitude and latitude lines the longitude lines go up and down while the latitude lines go left to right
As many as you like.
Equator latitude lines
Parallel lines are like this / / / / / / THEY NEVER TOUCH AND ARE OPPOSITE
Parallel lines are line that don't intersect like the equal sign = .
Because they are lines drawn in the Nazca desert. Pretty obvious, I would have thought!
Lines on a globe that resemble a checkerboard pattern are likely to be latitude and longitude lines. Latitude lines run horizontally around the globe, measuring the distance north or south of the equator, while longitude lines run vertically, measuring the distance east or west of the prime meridian. These lines help pinpoint specific locations on Earth's surface.
Just google image checkerboard.
As many as you like.
Equator latitude lines
The line on a globe that goes up and down is called the Prime Meridian. It is the line of longitude that marks 0 degrees and divides the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.
Are you referring to lines of latitude? First, there are no actual "lines" on the surface of the Earth; the lines are virtual, in that they don't really exist. Second, we can create as many different lines of latitude as we want. We usually measure them in segments called "minutes" of latitude, but we can subdivide these as finely as we like. From the equator, there are 90 degrees north and 90 degrees south; each degree is subdivided into 60 minutes. On a globe, the lines of latitude are generally printed each 10 or 15 degrees, but that depends on the scale of the globe.
Because no two of them ever touch or cross each other, and any two of them are always the same distance apart everywhere around the globe ... much like parallel lines on a flat surface.
The board in the game of checkers has 64 squares. The squares alternate in color along the horizontal and vertical lines. They are arranged in eight rows of eight squares each.
The lines on a globe represent the latitude and longitude grid system used to pinpoint specific locations on Earth. The lines of latitude run parallel to the Equator, while the lines of longitude intersect at the poles. This grid system helps in navigating and identifying any location on the globe.
The board in the game of checkers has 64 squares. The squares alternate in color along the horizontal and vertical lines. They are arranged in eight rows of eight squares each.
Parallel lines are like this / / / / / / THEY NEVER TOUCH AND ARE OPPOSITE
As in 'I have travelled to all parts of the globe', the word is 'terre'. As in 'a ball with the map of the earth on it', the word is 'terrestre'. As in 'an object shaped like a globe' the word is 'sphere'