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Q: What are the lines on the guitar called?
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Related questions

What are the raised lines on a banjo and guitar?

Those raised lines are called "frets".

What is the long thick part called on a guitar?

if you're talking about the part with the lines across it (frets) its called the neck

What is a hollow guitar called?

A hollow guitar is called an Acoustic guitar.

When plucking guitar the lines are meant to show?

the lines are meant to show symbols

What is Justin Biebers guitar called?

I believe his guitar is called a Burtit.

What does billie joe armstong call his guitar?

the guitar is called "guitar"!

What is a non elecrtic guitar called?

acoustic guitar

'What is a guitar with 4 strings called?

bass guitar

What are strings on a electric guitar called?

They are called strings. Really! <a href="">My Electric Guitar build</a>

What are the lines that extend the staff called?

The lines that extend the staff are called ledger lines.

How do you read tabs on a bass guitar?

same as regular guitar, minus first and second strings. there are only 4 staff lines.

What is a half keyboard half guitar called?

A half guitar half keyboard is called a Keytar