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Q: What are the losses of edges on sediment grains?
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Loss of edges on sediment grains?

Grain Roundness

Match the following terms to their best definition. A. Sediment sorting Stratification of sediments and rocks B. Layering Range of particle sizes C. Texture Grain size D. Grain Roundness Loss of edges?

Sediment sorting-Range of particle sizes layering- stratification of sediments and rocks texture- grain size grain Roundness- loss of edges on sediment grains (just took the Quiz of apex!)

What occurs when the weight of overlying sediment forces the sediment grains to fuse?

A sedimentary rock is formed.

What type of rock has layers and is made from grains?

Sediment rocks

How do grains move closer together?

Grains can move closer together through a process called compaction, where external pressure is applied to sediment layers, squeezing out excess water and air between the grains. This results in the grains packing more closely together, increasing the density and reducing the volume of the sediment.

How do grains of sediment stick together to form rock?

pressure or cementing

What doesn't affect the movement of sediment along the shore?

size of sand grains

Terrigenous sediment consists of mineral grains eroded from?

mid ocean ridges

What does roundness tell us about sediment grains?

Roundness of sediment grains can provide information about the distance the grains have traveled from their source. Well-rounded grains have likely traveled a long distance and experienced multiple episodes of erosion and transport. On the other hand, angular grains are typically indicative of shorter transport distances and limited weathering.

How is permeability related to the size of the grains that make up the sediment?

Permeability is inversely related to the size of sediment grains, meaning that as the grain size increases, permeability decreases. This is because smaller grains are packed more closely together, leaving less space for water and fluids to flow through, resulting in lower permeability. Conversely, larger grains have more space between them, allowing for greater permeability.

Terrigenous sediment consists primarily of mineral grains eroded from?

mid ocean ridges

What kind of sediment consist sprimarily of mineral grains that were eroded from rocks on land?
