28 is the LCM of 4 and 7 , the smallest number divisible by both.
The lowest common factor of 6, 4 and 7 is 84.
Because 7 is prime, the highest, lowest and only common factor of 15 and 7 is 1 (one).
They are factors of 28 as 28 = 4 x 7 which is also the lowest common multiple of both numbers.
The lowest common factor of any set of positive integers is 1.
28 is the LCM of 4 and 7 , the smallest number divisible by both.
the LOWEST common multiple of 4 and 7 is 28
The factors of 4 are 1, 2, and 4. The factors of 7 are 1 and 7. The only common factor is 1.
1 is alway the lowest common factor so I am not for sure if that's what you are looking for. and 6 and 7 do not have any other common factors.
lcm(2, 4, 7) = 28.
The lowest common factor of 6, 4 and 7 is 84.
Because 7 is prime, the highest, lowest and only common factor of 15 and 7 is 1 (one).