prime factorizations: 2 = 1 x 2 5 = 1 x 5 7 = 1 x 7 so lowest common factor is 1.
The LCM is: 14
The lowest common multiple (LCM) is: 385
Lowest common multiple of 2 and 7 is 14.
The lowest common multiple (lowest number which goes in all three) of 3,2 and 7 is 42. We know that 3, 2 and 7 cannot be divided by one another to give an integer, so we must multiply them to get the LCM.
The lowest common FACTOR of 7,3 and 2 is 42.
The lowest common factor is 15.
Except for 1, 2 and 7 do not have a lowest common factor. They lowest common multiple for 2 and 7 is 14.
prime factorizations: 2 = 1 x 2 5 = 1 x 5 7 = 1 x 7 so lowest common factor is 1.
lcm(2, 4, 7) = 28.
It is: 56
The LCM is: 14