If all the same numbers have the same unit then ten
The square (not sqare) root is approx 23031.054
swer in a 4x4 magic squares with 10-=25 numbers in each column?
The numbers are: 16-9 = 7
The Magic Numbers are from London, England.
If all the same numbers have the same unit then ten
The Magic Numbers - album - was created on 2005-06-13.
Assuming that a quarter square (not sqare) is the fourth root of 9 squared, the 4 answers are:-3, 3, -3i and 3i where i is the imaginary square root of -1. The first two are solutions in Real numbers.
The duration of Magic Numbers - TV series - is 3600.0 seconds.
Magic Numbers - TV series - ended on 2010-08-28.
Magic Numbers - TV series - was created on 2010-07-17.
The Magic Numbers was created in 2002.