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I am currently a freshman in college and we just went over this topic in my critical thinking class. This is everything we went over:

Types of Errors in Thinking

Errors of Perception:

  • Mine is better thinking - this often occurs in matters that are important to us such as our race, religion, ethnic group, social class, political party, or philosophy of life. We value kinship with those who are similar.
  • Selective perception - attending to those points/ arguments with which you agree.
  • Gullibility and skepticism - the error of believing everything or doubting everything.
  • Bias toward the majority or the minority - following our affections, identifying with the majority or with the underdog.
  • Pretending to know - believing what we have pretended.
  • Bias for or against change - conservatives have never met a new idea that they liked and liberals have never met a new idea that they didn't like.
  • Either/or thinking - taking only extreme positions on an issue when other positions are possible.

Errors of Judgement:

  • Double standard - using one standard of judgment for our own ideas and another for those of others.
  • Irrelevant criterion - not defining appropriate criteria for an action.
  • Overgeneralizing or stereotyping - generalizations need a reasonable number of subjects to be acceptable.
  • Hasty conclusions - drawn without enough evidence.
  • Unwarranted assumptions - ideas taken for granted without appropriate basis.
  • Failure to make a distinction - subtle differences may make a large difference in evaluation a situation or idea.
  • Oversimplification - omits essential information and ignores complexity.
  • Errors of Reaction:
  • Explaining away - discrediting contrary opinions without consideration.
  • Shifting the burden of proof - demanding to have contrary proof provided rather than offering support for one's own opinion.
  • Attacking the person - bringing in unconnected allegations to cover own weakness in argument.
  • Straw man - pretending someone has said something that she has not and then denouncing her for saying it. Twisting words to imply what is not meant.

Errors can Multiply

The desire to be knowledgeable may lead to the pretense of knowledge which results in errors of perception which pave the way for errors of judgment. These may force us to commit errors of reaction to save face.

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Q: What are the main errors in person perception?
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Errors in perception?

Errors in perception prevent managers from framing the right problem. With the wrong problem framed, the wrong solutions are solved.

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Perception is a complex process because it can be far different from reality. It can also vary from person to person. As individuals, each person's perception can be different.

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Object perception refers to the process of recognizing and understanding inanimate objects, while person perception involves perceiving and interpreting information about other individuals, including their traits, behaviors, and emotions. Person perception typically involves a more complex analysis due to the dynamic nature of human interactions and social contexts.

How do you overcome errors in perception?

To overcome errors in perception, it can be helpful to seek feedback from others, question your assumptions, and consider alternative perspectives. Engaging in mindfulness practices can also increase self-awareness and help to recognize and correct perceptual errors. Finally, educating oneself on cognitive biases and how they can influence perception can also be useful in reducing errors.

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Sensation is how you take in info, perception is how you make sense of it

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Albert H. Hastorf has written: 'Person Perception (Topics in Social Psychology)' 'Person perception' -- subject(s): Social perception

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side of perception

Why does perception become true?

Perception does not necessarily become true. Perception is a person's understanding of the truth but it may not, in fact, turn out to be the truth. It is an impression that someone has.

What is the meaning of perception errors?

Perception errors are mistakes or inaccuracies in the way we interpret or understand sensory information. These errors can be influenced by factors such as personal biases, previous experiences, and cognitive limitations, leading to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the world around us. They can impact our decision-making and interactions with others.

How does the perception of color differ from person to person?

based on personal experiences and beliefs we create our perceptions on particular things, that is why they are differed. in essence your perception becomes your reality.

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Certain optical illusions, such as the Ponzo illusion or the Müller-Lyer illusion, consistently produce errors in perception. These illusions trick our brains into misinterpreting the size, length, or shape of objects. Additionally, ambiguous figures like the Necker cube or the Rubin vase can lead to errors in perception as our brains struggle to interpret them in different ways.