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Q: What are the major axis in the semi major axis of the orbital shape express in Kepler's first law?
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What was Johannes Keplers major contribution?

Known for his eponymous laws of planetary motion.

Does Keplers third law fit each of the planets?

Yes, Kepler's third law applies to all the planets in our solar system. It states that the square of a planet's orbital period is proportional to the cube of its semi-major axis. This relationship holds true for all the planets, with each planet's orbital period and distance from the Sun following this law.

How do you find the orbital period in earth years of a periodic comet if the furtherest from sun is 31.5 astronomical units while the closest is 0.5 astronomical units?

You can find the major axis, 0.5+31.5 or 32 AU. The semimajor axis is half that, 16 AU. Then you can use Keplers 3rd law to calculate the period, which is 161.5 or 64 years.

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Who was johannes kepler-?

Johannes Kepler is an mathematician an astronomer and an astrologerhe also created keplers lawGood, thanks for asking.-Ol' Johannes

The major difference between a 1s orbital and a 2s orbital is that?

the 1s orbital is closer to the nucleus and has a lower energy level compared to the 2s orbital. Additionally, the 2s orbital has a slightly higher energy, larger size, and can hold more electrons than the 1s orbital.

What are the orbital periods for larger orbital radii?

For larger orbital radii, the orbital periods increase. This is because the gravitational force decreases with distance, leading to slower speeds and longer times to complete an orbit. Kepler's third law states that the square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis length.

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i do not know that is why i am asking you. who is the major stock holder of panda express

A planet average distance from the sun is also What part of the orbital ellipse?

The semi-major axis.

What major planet in the solar system has the longest orbital period?

Neptune, at about 165 Earth years.

How is an orbital principal quantum number related to the atoms major energy levels?

The principal quantum number describes the size of the orbital. Because they have opposite electrical charges, electrons MORE.