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Answer 1

believe it or not, the numbers are nigh on random, although the most common, worldwide lottery numbers, (from set sources) are :

3, 9, 11, 19, 27, 38, 44 and 45

Answer 2

This will of course change depending on the date you check, so the above numbers might not be accurate right now. For current statistics on the most frequently drawn lottery numbers (in Australia) go to the below link to and click to 'statistics' in the right hand menu.

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Q: What are the most frequent lottery numbers drawn?
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I found "Play 4" and "Power Ball", but not a "4 ball". However, in all seriousness the most frequent lottery numbers drawn can be known regardless as to the location of the game. Such numbers will be - most frequently - the ones that the majority of players did NOT pick. The great majority.

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You can check the most frequent mega millions lottery numbers on the website mentioned in the related links section.You can find the number frequency for different periods like :Last 3 monthsLast 6 monthsLast 1 yearsLast 3 yearsAlso you can check when a particular number was drawn in the results.

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