The different names for Numbers are defined as Natural numbers, whole numbers , real numbers, decimal numbers, integers, rational numbers and irrational numbers.
because they needed names
With the exception of the number zero, the number 236719458 contains all the English names of the single-digit numbers in reverse alphabetical order.
It is impossible to say all the names of zoobles since for every animal there are about 20 different colors with different names, so if there are about 35 animals, there would be over 1,000 names!
CheezerFleeCatrickOwl ZoobleFishDoglasLe BunZekeFidelChipperBarkarellaWarrenBirdadetteTrouserKiwiBarkleyPierreCatlenBirdine
Crabigail, Pinchers , Kelp , Seamus , Flipper and Martinique
Actually I'm sure one of them was named??I'll get back to you sorry
inches, legs,pinky,birdet,brie,cricklet,churro,johnny,sea horse,zizi. if that's not it that's all i know.
zoobles cost £5 thanks for listning and goodby
You can buy Zoobles at Wal-Mart or stores like that, such as BJ's or Sam's Club too.
Like the game Zoobles Spring to Life worlds? If so 10 in Petagonia, 10 in Azoozia, 10 in Chillville, eh 10
I would say its ok for someone to get zoobles for a boy. They're like bakugan. Just cute versions