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bar graph, double bar graph, line graph, and picto graph

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Q: What are the names of the on a graph?
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What does circle graph mean?

It's a Pie graph or Pie Chart are two other common names for a circle graph.

What are the 6 parts of a line graph names?

line segment

What are the 2 names for the bar graph axises?

x is across y is up

Is a bar chart the same as a bar graph?

Yes. Both names can be used.

What are the names of different graphs?

pie charts, bar graphs, scatter plots, line graph, histogram, line plot, bar graph, double bar graph, pictograph, and box and whisker plot.

What are the different names for graphs?

pie charts, bar graphs, scatter plots, line graph, histogram, line plot, bar graph, double bar graph, pictograph, and box and whisker plot.

What are three names for the x coordinate on a graph?

roots, zeroes, x-intercepts, abscissa.

Graph showing 16 names median length of 14 and a half letters with data that vary from 11 letters to 20 letters?

7 names with 14 names in the median

What is the point where a graph intercepts the x-axis?

The point where a graph intercepts the x axis may have several names. It could be called an x-intercept, a root, or a solution.It is at: (x, 0).

What are the five parts of a graph?

the five graph is line graph,bar graph,pictograph,pie graph and coin graph

Blank Are pictures of relationship?

its a graph

What information go to bar graph?

You have two sides to a bar graph. Each side will have data. Let's say you are graphing a race. On the horizontal axis you could put the names of the racers and on the vertical axis you put the miles. You would then graph the number of miles for each racer in a bar form and color the bars in to show a comparison.