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Q: What are the negative and positive effects of public in microenvitonment?
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Negative effects of widening of public roads?

There are many positive and negative effects of widening public roads. Negative effects that come to mind include: impeding traffic during construction, environmental impact, and taxpayer cost. There are other possible negative effects such as people "rubbernecking" or staring at construction which can cause an accident. If there is insufficient room to widen the road but it must be widened, sidewalk space can be reduced or street parking spaces removed.

What are the effects of re-urbanization?

The effects of urbanization can be either positive or negative. Negative effects could be: increased crime, pollution, elimination of small town jobs, more traffic...etc. Positive effects include: growth in local economy, increased amount of money to put towards public projects such as roads, more institutions of higher education, creates new innovative jobs...etc.

What or the positive and negative effects of migration on countries?

Positive effects of migration on countries include filling labor shortages, cultural diversity, and stimulating economic growth through increased consumer spending. Negative effects may include strain on public resources and services, social tensions, and brain drain in sending countries.

What role does alcohol play in society?

Alcohol abuse, or any type of drug abuse has a multitude of effects, all which are negative. It has a negative effect on family life and workplace security. The effect also has negative personal health effects. The only "positive" effect, and this is not meant to be humorous, is that increases demand for social workers and doctors. It also is a factor in public health costs.

What are the effects of depression on public health?

Does it have any negative effects on the health of the consumer? Depression is the second reported cause of disability worldwide, according to the WHO

How do you reduce negative media effect?

Either by creating positive or not going out in public etc for a while. If the media are criticizing turn that positive by adressing the issues

What are the negative roles of public relations?

the negetive effects of being related in public as you said is that there are more annoying families at resurants who won't shut up or control their kids.

Public relations (PR)?

Public relations involves managing the spread of information about a company. PR professionals work to spread positive news about their brand and minimize the impact of negative news.

What is the relationship between public opinion and policy-making?

Public opinion is views represented by the general public and policy making is adopted by the government. SO - public opinion can impact policy making in a positive or negative way, whether it is in your favor or not in your favor.

What are some positive and negative on politics with guns?

negitaves: bad for public display if one has no license positives: it could save someone's life

What was the effects the gulf war had on the public services?

There were little to no side effects. The build up phase (Operation Desert Shield in 1990) utilized existing stocks. The combat phase (Operation Desert Storm in Jan to Feb 1991) lasted less than 45 days, which was not enough time for any negative side effects to be noticed by the public.

What is buzz value?

The noun buzz value is a marketing term for the word-of-mouth interaction of the public for a particular advertising campaign or product. The buzz value can be positive or negative.