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Q: What are the negative effect of cutting classes?
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What is the effect of cutting classes?

Cutting classes can have negative consequences such as falling behind in coursework, missing important information or assignments, and impacting your overall academic performance. It can also lead to disciplinary action from your school or college and affect your reputation with teachers and peers.

What negative effect has man had on the environment?

Pollution,cutting down trees, killing animals.

What are the steps to eradicate cutting classes?

This can't be stopped. There can be ways to effect those who do cut classes. After 3 cuts you are dropped from the class. Every absence lowers a grade.

What are the causes and effect of cutting classes?

Causes of cutting classes can include lack of interest, boredom, personal issues, or feeling overwhelmed. The effects can include falling behind in coursework, missing important information, lower grades, and potentially impacting future opportunities.

What is the effect of negative rack angle?

A negative rack angle leads to downward pressure that results in compression waves appear in front of the cutting instrument. It takes great pressure to avoid the cutting implement's blade rising up on those waves.

Is pollute is a negative or positive?

negative effect negative effect

Why do students keep on cutting classes?

Cause their hard

How have people had a negative effect on the Amazon rainforest?

People have been cutting down a lot of trees in the Amazon rainforest and it's slowly beginning to decrease its area.

Why are student cutting classes?

because they dont like the teacher...aww

What is the solution of cutting classes?

make a good motivation in every activity.

Does a roller coaster have a negative or positive effect on the brain?

Negative effect on the brain.

How does cutting down rainforest's effect rivers?

Cutting down rainforest effect rivers by soil that falls into the rivers and makes it all muddy.