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Q: What are the negative factors of sensory loss?
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What is negative and positive impacts of sensory loss?

negative impact on people with sensory loss

How do a range of factors societal attitudes and bliefs impact on service provision with sensory loss?

Societal attitudes and beliefs can impact service provision for individuals with sensory loss by influencing funding priorities, accessibility of services, and stigma associated with the condition. Negative attitudes and lack of awareness may result in limited resources and support for individuals with sensory loss, while positive attitudes can lead to more inclusive and tailored services to meet their needs. Addressing these societal factors is crucial for improving the quality of services and support provided to individuals with sensory loss.

What are the four factors that is involved in older adults compensation for sensory loss and aging organs?

The four factors involved in older adults compensating for sensory loss and aging organs are neural plasticity (brain's ability to adapt), sensory substitution (using one sense to compensate for another), environmental modifications (adjusting surroundings for better sensory input), and cognitive strategies (using memory and knowledge to compensate for sensory loss).

How a range of factors have a negative and positive impact on individuals with a sensory loss?

A range of fact can have a negative or positive impact on individuals with a sensory loss. People who are deaf can still feel vibrations from object near them. So something falling can be felt by a deaf person. Blind people can feel their way around a room. If someone moves furniture without telling them they will have a hard time navigating.

What are the factors that influence incidence of sensory loss in different parts of the population?

brain damage

Identify the demographic factors that influence the incidence of sensory loss in the population?

Demographic factors that influence the incidence of sensory loss in the population include age (as sensory loss tends to increase with age), genetics (inherited conditions can contribute to sensory loss), environmental factors (such as exposure to loud noises or toxins), and lifestyle choices (such as smoking or poor nutrition). Socioeconomic status and access to healthcare also play a role in the incidence of sensory loss.

How can methods of communication have a positive or negative impact on individuals with sensory loss?

possitive effective communication methods

What are the signs of sensory loss?

Signs of sensory loss can include difficulty hearing or seeing, numbness or tingling in extremities, imbalance or unsteadiness when walking, and decreased ability to taste or smell. Individuals may also have difficulty distinguishing between hot and cold temperatures or experience changes in their ability to feel pain.

What is the difference between congenital and acquired sensory loss?

congenital sensory loss is when the person has the sensory loss from birth where as acquired sensory loss is when the sensory loss has developed as is the result result of ageing, serious injury or illness.

What is acquired sensory loss?

the main causes of acquired sensory loss are

What is the difference by being born with sensory loss and acquiring sensory loss?

If your born with sensory loss you are used to it so its not a hard to deal with it but is u aquire sensory loss you have to over come it and it is harder to adapt to.

What is the main causes of congenital sensory loss?

Congenital sensory loss is something that is present at birth. More than half of all people experience this due to genetic factors and this may be autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, or X-linked.