4. (67 letters divided by 16 words = 4.4667 letters per word.)
It is 720.
It would depend on the letters in the word. The theoretical maximum is 325 words from 5 different letters: 120 five-letter words, 120 four-letter words, 60 three-letter words, 20 two-letter words, 5 one-letter words (including acronyms) made by listing the letters in every possible order (abcde, abced, ..., edcba and ending with a, b, c, d, e). For most sets of 5 letters, the number is a fraction of that, from 20 to 40 words.
Letters cannot be multiplied in the same way that numbers can be multiplied. Multiplication is a mathematical operation that combines and repeats a number a certain number of times. However, letters can be concatenated or repeated to form words or strings.
They may be measures such as the word length of sentences or the number of letters in words, or the total number of unique words in a corpus. Most authors usually have caharacteristic measures of such statistics and so they help to identify unknown authors.
There is no difference.
It's better to ask about the number of parts (30) or chapters (114) The number of pages differs according to the number of words per page: in the Al Madinah Quran =604, but less in Azhar Quran. The English translation Quran, pages will differ too.
The number of letters in words varies. There is no specific number of letters or of words in a sentence. In poetry, the shortest expression is "O !" An utterance can be as short as "Hi." Two or three letter words make up simple sentences in everyday speech. More complex sentences need more words, and hence, will have more letters in them.
its when in the quran certain letters create a nasal sound
4. (67 letters divided by 16 words = 4.4667 letters per word.)
No there actually more combinations that we can make with numbers than letters. That's not actually true, since there are more letters than numerals, but every combination of numerals is a number and there are an infinite number of them, whereas, not all combinations of letters actually make words--there is only a finite number of words.
Simply a word is a combination of 2 or more then 2 letters. So, in average the number of words is 30 to 35 that will contain 100 letters.
The average number of letters in a given word is typically calculated by dividing the total number of letters in a text by the total number of words. This metric can be used to determine the average word length in a document or piece of writing.
There is a total of approximately 267053 letters in the Holy Quran.