I'm not aware of a way to compare two numbers by multiplication.
I don't think you cant sum numbers. You can add numbers to get the sum.
It's called their "sum".
The sum.
The answer of a multiplication problem is the product.
addition-sum subtraction-difference division-quotient multiplication-product
NO!!! Product means Mu;ltiply Sum means Addition (Add).
when you add numbers, you get a sum. when you subtract numbers, you get a difference. (also in multiplication it's product, and in division is quotient.)
factors * * * * * No, they are called multiplicands.
In a multiplication sum, for example, 6 x 3 = 18, the first number is the multiplier, the second number is the multiplicand, and the third number, the answer, is the product.
In any multiplication sum, such as 6 x 3 = 18, the first number is called the multplier, the second number is called the multiplicand, and the answer is called the product.
the multiplication of two numbers is called a factor the answer to a multiplication problem is called a product
Yes.natural numbers are closed under multiplication.It means when the operation is done with natural numbers in multiplication the sum of two numbers is always the natural number.
In mathematics, the product of two numbers is the answer to the multiplication sum. In any multiplication sum: multiplier x multiplicand = product For example, 6 x 3 = 18, 6 is the multiplier, 3 is the multiplicand, and 18 is the product.
'Product' is another way of saying 'multiply the two numbers together'.