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I usually see it called the numeric keypad.

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Q: What are the numbers on the right side of the key board called?
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What do you call the right side of a ship called?

The right side of a ship is called the star-board side.

What do sailors call the right side of a ship?

its called star-board side...

What is the star board side of a ship?

the right side. the left is port side

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Depends on what side, the left side is called the left side and the right side is called the right side

Where does the star board part of the boat face?

Facing forward, starboard is the right side of the boat. (the steering board (rudder) used to go on the right, so the left side was the port side)

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yes. any thing you have on the right side of the decimal point(.) is a decimal:)

When and how did the left side of the ship come to be called starboard?

When someone doesn't know what they are talking about. The left side is "port". Starboard is the right side, where the "steer-board" (i.e. rudder) was located on early Medieval ships. And it is only the right side when you are facing the bow of the ship.

When on board facing the front of a boat where is the starboard side?

On your right.

Where is the star board?

Starboard is the right side of a ship/boat.

When on board and facing the front of a boat where is the starboard side?

On your right.

When on board facing the front of the boat where is the starboard side?

On your right.