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None, as far as I can see. Which, given that I cannot see any triangle, is not saying much!

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Q: What are the oblique line segments for letters cde from a triangle?
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Related questions

How do you name segments in a triangle?

Usually a line segment in a triangle is either assigned a letter, or is referred to by the letters at the end of the segment with a line overhead. For instance, if you have a triangle ABC, you'll have segments AB, AC, and BC. And there would be a line over each segment name.

How many perpendicular line segments are in a triangle?

if the triangle is a right angle it has 2 perpendicular line segments.

Which letters have horizontal and oblique line segments?

It depends on the way in which they are written. 4 and 7 clearly have horizontal and oblique lines. The number 1, in some fonts (like this one), also has both. All the rest have sections that are horizontal and those that are oblique.

What is a polygon with 3 line segments?

A polygon which has 3 line segments is a triangle. Either Isoceles, scalene, or an equilateral triangle with occur.

Is triangle a line segment?

No. A triangle contains three line segments.

How many line segments are in a triangle?

Line segments are lines so the answer is 3.

What kind of shape has 3 line segments?

a triangle has 3 line segments u are

How is a triangle different from a circle?

A triangle is made from 3 joined line segments whereas a circle has no line segments around its circumference

Does a polygon hast to have three line segments?

Yes, a triangle is a polygon with 3 line segments

Does a triangle have perpendicular line segments?

It can but need not.

What is called a closed figure made up of three line segments is?

If the line segments are straight, then it is a triangle.

Which alphabet letters have oblique lines?