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If 'A' is five times more likely than 'B', then the odds of 'A' are 5 to 1, and its probability is [ 83 and 1/3 ] percent.

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Q: What are the odds if 5 times more likely?
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What odds are better 3-1 or 9-5?

Odds od 3-1 would pay out more.

What are the odds of rolling a dice 5 times and getting 2 sixes?

The probability is approx 0.1608

How do you calculate the odds of something?

If there were 10 sock in a basket and 2 were red and 8 were blue then the odds of getting a red sock is 2/10 which can be simplified to 1/5. This means that if you picked a sock from the basket 5 times (each time throwing it back) you would most likely get 1 red sock and 4 blue socks. The odds of getting a blue sock is 8/10. This can be simplified to 4/5. Basically you take the total and put it as the denominator. Then you take the total number of the object (in this case the socks) and put it as the numerator. Got it? Hope this helped!! :)

What are the odds of hitting 2 straits in a row at 5 card stud?

The odds of hitting 2 straights in a row at 5 card stud is about 5%. Since the deck is reshuffled between deals, the two hands are sequentially unrelated, so the odds of two deals with two straights is simply th odds of one times the odds of another. In order to draw a straight, you need to draw an ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, or a 10, jack, queen, king, ace, assuming that ace can be high or low. The odds of drawing one of these cards is 10 in 13, but you have 5 chances to do so, so the odds of drawing the first card is 50 in 13. The odds of drawing the second card is 39 in 51, but you have 4 chances to do so, so the odds of drawing the second card is 156 in 51. Similarly, the odds of drawing the third, fourth, and fifith card is 38 in 50, 37 in 49, and 36 in 48. Multiply these odds and you get 19,740,240 in 77,968,800. Reducing that to lowest terms, you get 246,753 in 1,112,110, which is the odds of drawing a straight. The numeric value of the odds is 0.22187823146990855221156180593646, or about 22% Square that and you get 60,887,043,009 in 1,236,788,652,100. That is aready in lowest terms, so that is the odds of drawing two sequential straights. The numeric value of the odds is 0.049229949600214317813758989938262, or about 5%.

What are the odds of rolling a 6 or an 8 before rolling a 7 in craps?

Here are the odds in craps: 7 vs. 6 Odds: 6 to 5 7 vs. 5 Odds: 6 to 4 or 3 to 2 7 vs. 4 Odds: 6 to 3 or 2 to 1 7 vs. 3 Odds: 6 to 2 or 3 to 1 7 vs. 2 Odds: 6 to 1

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If you toss 2 coins simultaneously 400 times would you expect the deviation to be greate or less than it was in tossing them 40 times?

Less. The more times the coin is tossed, the more likely it will reflect the actual odds of .5 heads and .5 tails.

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The odds are pretty hard to tell but its pretty likely ull get one. I got one in 5 minutes

What odds are better 3-1 or 9-5?

Odds od 3-1 would pay out more.

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5 times.

What does odds in favor mean?

Saying that the odds of something occurring are a to b (or a:b) means that we expect the event to occur a times for every b times it does not occur. For instance, the odds of drawing tails on a coin flip are 1 to 1, so if we repeat the experiment a very large number of times, we will have 1 occurrence of "tails" for every occurrence of "heads". The odds of getting a 5 on a dice roll are 1:5, and so on.

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First Nation was 5 times more likely to commit suicide because they got and still do get treated differently than any other person that is not First Nation or Aboriginal

What are the odds of rolling a dice 5 times and getting 2 sixes?

The probability is approx 0.1608

If the odds are 1 in 25 and I buy 5 tickets what are odds?

5 in 25

What are the Odds of a triple play?

The odds against having a triple play in a specific inning are more than 10,000 to 1. There are about 5 triple plays every season.

How do you calculate the odds of something?

If there were 10 sock in a basket and 2 were red and 8 were blue then the odds of getting a red sock is 2/10 which can be simplified to 1/5. This means that if you picked a sock from the basket 5 times (each time throwing it back) you would most likely get 1 red sock and 4 blue socks. The odds of getting a blue sock is 8/10. This can be simplified to 4/5. Basically you take the total and put it as the denominator. Then you take the total number of the object (in this case the socks) and put it as the numerator. Got it? Hope this helped!! :)

What is probability if odds are 5 to 3?

For 5 to 3 odds of winning; the probability of winning is 0.375 or 37.5%

What are the odds of hitting 2 straits in a row at 5 card stud?

The odds of hitting 2 straights in a row at 5 card stud is about 5%. Since the deck is reshuffled between deals, the two hands are sequentially unrelated, so the odds of two deals with two straights is simply th odds of one times the odds of another. In order to draw a straight, you need to draw an ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, or a 10, jack, queen, king, ace, assuming that ace can be high or low. The odds of drawing one of these cards is 10 in 13, but you have 5 chances to do so, so the odds of drawing the first card is 50 in 13. The odds of drawing the second card is 39 in 51, but you have 4 chances to do so, so the odds of drawing the second card is 156 in 51. Similarly, the odds of drawing the third, fourth, and fifith card is 38 in 50, 37 in 49, and 36 in 48. Multiply these odds and you get 19,740,240 in 77,968,800. Reducing that to lowest terms, you get 246,753 in 1,112,110, which is the odds of drawing a straight. The numeric value of the odds is 0.22187823146990855221156180593646, or about 22% Square that and you get 60,887,043,009 in 1,236,788,652,100. That is aready in lowest terms, so that is the odds of drawing two sequential straights. The numeric value of the odds is 0.049229949600214317813758989938262, or about 5%.