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Q: What are the odds of a mother having twins?
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What is the odds of twins children having twins?

The fact that twins run in families is actually a myth. The odds of twins having twins is the same as a non-twin having twins. That is about 1 in 33.

What are the odds of having albino twins?

About 1 in 5 million

What are the odds of having twins on your birthday and are royalty?

not very likely

What are the odds of twins being 2 girls?

If one is expecting twins and is wanting to know the odds of twins being two girls the probabilities are that one would have about a 25% chance. It is stated that there is a 50% chance of having one of each or a 25% chance of having twin boys.

What are the odds of twins haven twins?

The odds are 75 percent.

What are the odds of having twins when you aren't a twin yourself?

well it might be that every other generation has twins, and your not in the generation but your kids will be twins because YOUR generation was skipped

What are the odds of having twins twice?

From what i know, if your twins are identical then you have no increased chance of having twins a second time. If your twins are fraternal, you are twice as likely to have twins again because fraternal twins are the result of more than egg being released and that is a genetic trate.

What are the odds of having kids with the same birthday same time?

About 1 In 1000 Unless you have twins

What is the possibility of two heterozygous parents having identical twins?

Heterozygous parents have the same odds of identical twins as the general population. Identical twins do not run in families and, therefore, twinning is not related to genetics. Comparisons among different ethnic groups rule out an ethnic cause-no difference. Only mother's age correlates with twinning: the older the mother, the greater the likelihood.

If a mother looses one baby but is still pregnant was she having identical twins?

Not necessarily you could be having twins and they don't have to be identical.

What are the chances of having twins if your mother is a twin?

So So

Can you have twins if your uncle is a twin?

No, the likelihood of having twins is not genetically influenced by an uncle being a twin. The chances of having twins are influenced by factors like maternal age, family history of twins, and assisted reproductive technology.