The probability is 1, since it has already happened. There has been life on earth for millions of years - long before humans.
Probability is defined as the chance of something occurring in a non paranormal phenomena. Odd's are the chances of the Probability happening.
that is unpredictable. cause we cant find the size of the universe....
If the probability is 5/12 then that is an acceptable answer in itself however it is also the same thing as 5 divided by twelve or .4167
Yes, the answer is 42.
the answer is 1 in (24 x 60 x 60) i think... = 1 in 86400
The chances of life occurring in the universe are difficult to quantify, as we have only one known example of life (Earth). However, given the vast number of planets and galaxies in the universe, it is statistically probable that life exists elsewhere. The discovery of potentially habitable exoplanets and the presence of building blocks of life in space further support the possibility of life beyond Earth.
Answerodds the odds in favour are p/(1-p)the odds against are (1-p)/p
It is difficult to calculate the exact odds, but given the vast size of the universe with billions of galaxies and planets, it is statistically unlikely that Earth is the only planet with life. Scientists continue to explore the universe for signs of life beyond our planet.
The crude odds ratio is a statistical measure that quantifies the strength of association between an exposure and an outcome in a study without adjusting for any other factors. It is calculated by dividing the odds of the outcome occurring in the exposed group by the odds of the outcome occurring in the unexposed group.
That's the approximate number of naturally occurring elements.
Undoubtably. The odds of them visiting us are next to 0 though. -In an infinately expanding universe, the thought of us being the only intelligent life is, well, stupid.
There are 94 naturally occurring chemical elements in the universe. These elements range from hydrogen, the most abundant, to uranium, the heaviest naturally occurring element.
Xenon is a naturally occurring element, so yes, it is.