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Q: What are the one square number and triangular number?
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When you add two triangular numbers why do they equal to a square number?

They don't necesarily,3 is a triangular number and 10 is a triangular number. Their sum is 13 which is not a square number.They don't necesarily,3 is a triangular number and 10 is a triangular number. Their sum is 13 which is not a square number.They don't necesarily,3 is a triangular number and 10 is a triangular number. Their sum is 13 which is not a square number.They don't necesarily,3 is a triangular number and 10 is a triangular number. Their sum is 13 which is not a square number.

Is 36 a triangular number?

36 is a triangular number, Square number and also a Consecutive number.

What number under 50 is a square and triangular number?

1, the first triangular number, is also a square.

What is a number less than 60 which is triangular and a square number?

1 is a triangular and square number, and it is less than 60.

How do you find out if a number is a Triangular number?

A number, t, is a triangular number if (1 + 8t) is a square of an odd number.

Is 25 a triangular number?

No - but it is a square number. 1,3,6,10,15,21 & 28 are all triangular numbers. 1,4,9,16,25 & 36 are all square numbers.

Is 22 a square number and triangular number?


Is 49 a triangular and a square number?

No, it is just a suare number

How many triangular numbers are also square numbers?

There are an many triangular numbers that are also square numbers. Simply put, the sum of two consecutive triangular number equals a square number. Examples include 1 and 36.

Is 1 a squared and triangular number?

Yes. 1 is both square and triangular.

Which number between 20 and 40 is both a triangular number and a square number 36 or 25 or 21 or 35?

36 is the only square number that is also a triangular number between 20 and 40.

Are there any triangular numbers that are square numbers?

Yes. 36 is a triangular number, because it is 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8, and it is also a square number, because 36=6x6. 1 is another square number that is traditionally considered to be triangular.