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Q: What are the original societies of scale?
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What is A enlarged or reduced drawing that is similar to an actual object or place?

This is a scale version of the original. If the scale is less than 1 then the drawing is smaller than the original object. If the scale is greater than 1 then the drawing is larger than the original. If the scale is 1 then the original and the drawing are the same size.

How can you determine the scale factor of a dilation by looking at a segment and its image?

Every part of the original scales by the same scale factor. By using a segment of the original you will determine the scale factor by dividing the length of the image by the length of the original.

What would a 5.237 GPA be on a 4.0 scale?

A sign that your question lacked some of the information necessary to convert the 5.237 from its original scale to a 4.0 GPA scale. If the 5.237 was achieved on a 5.0 scale, it would be approximately 4.19 on a 4.0 scale. If the original scale was 6.0, the conversion would be 3.49 on a 4.0 scale.

Describe the image of a dilation with a scale factor of 1?

With a scale factor of 1, the image is exactly the same size as the original object.

What is a scale model?

A scale model is a extact replica of something - usually smaller than the original item. Example: A 1/10 scale model car is 10 times smaller than the original car.

What is an engineer's scale?

An engineer's scale is a special kind of ruler used in engineering drafting, such as for blueprints. The scale helps to make drawings that are a certain ratio of the size of the original. For example, 1:10 scale would produce a drawing that is one tenth the size of the original object.

In a model this the ratio of the linear dimension of the model to the same dimension of the original.?

It is the scale factor.

What is drawing that uses a scale to represent an object as smaller or larger than the original object?

scale drawing

What were the four characteristics of hunter gatherer societies?

The four characteristics of hunter-gatherer societies are small in scale, nomadic or semi-nomadic lifestyle, egalitarian social structure, and a reliance on natural resources for sustenance.

How 2 find scale factor?

A scale factor of 2 means everything is shown in half the size of the original.

How can social control be maintained in small scale tribal societies?

Social control in small scale tribal societies can be maintained through informal mechanisms such as gossip, shaming, and community pressure. Shared cultural norms and values play a key role in regulating behavior, as individuals are expected to conform to group expectations. The close-knit nature of these societies also facilitates direct communication and social reinforcement of expected norms.

When did the US begin using this scale to measer the tornadoes?

It depends on which scale you're talking about. The original Fujita scale was first used in 1971. The Enhanced Fujita scale was first used in 2007.