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Q: What are the other two names for the set of integers?
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The product of two consecutive integers is 200?

There is no set of two consecutive integers equating to 200.

How does the set of whole numbers differ from the set of integers?

Integers include negative numbers.

What are two consecutive odd integers for 323?

There is no set of two consecutive odd integers for 323. The set has one odd and one even integer. The numbers are 161 and 162.

The sum of the greatest and the smallest numbers of three consecutive even integers is 999?

There is no set of three consecutive even integers whose sum is 999. There are two other sets; one is odd, the other is mixed. The odd set is 331, 333 and 335. The mixed set is 332, 333 and 334.

What is 403030303 930303934039403994303954309403?

It is a set of two positive odd integers.

What is a set of whole numbers and their opposites?

The two sets are the same: the set of integers.

Is the intersection of two infinite sets always an infinite set?

No. It can be infinite, finite or null. The set of odd integers is infinite, the set of even integers is infinite. Their intersection is void, or the null set.

What are two consecutive integers is 200 between?

"Consecutive" integers are integers that have no other integer between them.

If the sum of two integers is zero what can you conclude about the integers?

That if one of them is a, the other is -a.

What are examples of the law of closure in Mathematics?

There is no law of closure. Closure is a property that some sets have with respect to a binary operation. For example, consider the set of even integers and the operation of addition. If you take any two members of the set (that is any two even integers), then their sum is also an even integer. This implies that the set of even integers is closed with respect to addition. But the set of odd integers is not closed with respect to addition since the sum of two odd integers is not odd. Neither set is closed with respect to division.

What are two consecutive integers have a product of 14?

There is no set of two consecutive integers having a product of 14. Product means the result of multiplication.

What are distinct positive integers?

The set of positive integers is {1,2,3,4,5,...}. When referring to numbers, distinct simply means different from each other e.g. 2,6,7 and 9 are distinct positive integers but 2,6,6 and 9 are not distinct since two of them are equal.