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Q: What are the perfect squares of the numbers 5 through 9?
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What is the next number in the sequence 25 36 49 64?

81. They are the perfect squares of numbers starting from 5.81. They are the perfect squares of numbers starting from 5.81. They are the perfect squares of numbers starting from 5.81. They are the perfect squares of numbers starting from 5.

What is the number of perfect squares that exist in base 5 system?

There are infinitely many, just like in base 10. In any base system, the number of perfect squares is the same. Take the natural (counting) numbers 1, 2, 3, .... Squaring each of these produces the perfect squares. As there are an infinite number of natural numbers, there are an infinite number of perfect squares. The first 10 perfect squares in base 5 are: 15, 45, 145, 315, 1005, 1215, 1445, 2245, 3115, 4005, ...

Are the numbers 25 and 49 relativley prime numbers?

No - prime numbers are numbers that can only be divided by 1 and itself. 25 and 49 are examples of perfect squares 5*5 = 25 and 7*7=49

Is 56 a perfect square?

No because there is no number that can be multiplied by itself to get 56. Examples of perfect squares: 4*4= 16 8*8= 64 5*5= 25 16, 64, and 25 are all perfect squares because you can multiply one number by it's self to get those numbers.

What is the smallest negative perfect square that is divisible by the four smallest prime numbers?

Perfect squares are positive. A smallest negative number doesn't exist. The four smallest prime numbers are 2, 3, 5 and 7. The smallest perfect square would have to be 2^2 x 3^2 x 5^2 x 7^2 or 44,100

What are names of 5 famous math sequences?

Fibonacci Sequence: 1,1,2,3,5,8,... Perfect Squares: 1,4,9,16,25,... Triangular Numbers: 1,3,6,10,15,... Prime Numbers: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,... 2^n: 2,4,8,16,32,64,...

What is the pattern in the following numbers 1 4 9 16?

Those are the first four perfect squares. They will increase by consecutive odd numbers. +1, +3, +5, + 7 and so on.

How do you find the sum of all perfect squares between 5 and 30?

Here is a procedure that would do the job nicely: -- Make a list of all the perfect squares between 5 and 30. (Hint: They are 9, 16, 25, 36, and 49.) -- Find the sum by writing the numbers in a column and adding up the column.

How many 5 digit integers are perfect squares?


What have these 5 numbers got in common 9 4 25 36 16?

I suppose the answer that you are looking for is that they are all perfect squares. There are, of course, other common characteristics as well.

What is an answer to a 4x4 magic squares with 10-5 numbers?

swer in a 4x4 magic squares with 10-=25 numbers in each column?

How many 5-digit integers are perfect squares?

The smallest 5-digit integer perfect square is 10,000 = (100)2The largest 5-digit integer perfect square is 99,856 = (316)2So we want to know how many numbers that is, from 100 to 316 inclusive.It's 316 minus the first 99 = 217 of them.