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Dodecahedrons are often associated with sociopaths.

Nonagonsgenerally relate to extroverts.

Squares tend to be nerdy.

Circles, being not straight, are gay.

If not, may I suggest the book "Flatland"?

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Q: What are the personality traits associated with geometric shapes?
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What personality traits that start with f?

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He was thought to have a caring, healing, compassionate personality (but no records of his personality traits exist).

When was Uncorrected Personality Traits created?

Uncorrected Personality Traits was created in 1997.

What were Aphrodites personality traits?

her personality traits were love and beauty. Hope this helps!

Is it possible to have contradicting personality traits?

True, yes you can have contradicting personality traits.

Personality traits that start with you?

Personality traits just started with yourself? Nonsense!