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Q: What are the positive and negative aspects of Hps new sales force structure?
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A force is applied to the right is positive or negative?

It is positive

What direction of force is positive?

In a coordinate system, positive force is typically defined as acting in the direction of the positive axis. For example, in a one-dimensional system, positive force would be in the positive direction of the axis, while negative force would be in the negative direction.

Which charge has strong force of attraction?

Neither charge on its own has an attractive force. Opposite charges (positive-negative) will attract while like charges (negative-negative or positive-positive) will repel.

Is there a difference between positive and negative g force?

Yes, there is a difference between positive and negative g-force. Positive g-force is the sensation of weight pressing down on you, like during takeoff in an airplane. Negative g-force is the sensation of weightlessness or forces pulling you away from an object, like in a roller coaster drop.

What is the difference between effort force and resistance force?

by the negative force and the positive force

Is the gravity value positive or negative when an object falls on the ground?

The gravity value is always positive when an object falls to the ground. Gravity is an attractive force that pulls objects toward the center of the Earth, causing them to accelerate downwards.

Does electromagnetic force attract a positive charge towards a negative charge?

Yes, the electromagnetic force between a positive and a negative charge is attractive. The positive charge will be pulled towards the negative charge due to the force of attraction between opposite charges.

Is this french revolution positive or negative force?

It is a positive force because the French fought on the American's side.

What shall you do when you find the value of driving force is negative?

The acceleration is in the direction of the positive force so you will have deceleration in the direction of the negative force.

What does a negative force mean when calculating the electrostatic force between 2 charges?

A negative force indicates an attractive force between the charges, pulling them towards each other. In the context of electrostatic forces, negative forces typically arise when the charges have opposite signs (one positive and one negative), resulting in an attractive interaction.

What is the position of zero force if a positive and negative charges are separated by a distance?

The position of zero force if positive and negative charges are separated by a distance would be at half of the separation distance.

What determines if an electric force is attractive or repulsive?

The charges of the objects determine if the electric force is attractive or repulsive. Opposite charges attract each other (positive and negative), while like charges repel each other (positive and positive, or negative and negative).