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Q: What are the positive and negative aspects of inorganic farming?
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What are advantages and disadvantages of inorganic farming?

There is no such thing as "inorganic" farming. There's farming, then there's organic farming.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of inorganic farming?

There is no such thing as "inorganic" farming. There's farming, then there's organic farming.

Is wool negative or positive?

Wool can be considered both negative and positive depending on context. Negative aspects could include environmental concerns related to land use and water consumption for sheep farming, as well as potential animal welfare issues. However, wool is also valued for its sustainability, biodegradability, and durability, making it a positive choice for many consumers seeking natural and renewable materials.

What are two negative aspects for a farmer about growing organic foods?

Organic farming is much more labor intensive than non-organic farming and is often more expensive to do.

What are some positive and negative affects of farming?

it affects the environment because there might still be animals on the farm

What are the positives and negatives about wheat farming?

the negative is that people had to use their hands to bury anything and the positive was that they got payed for it.

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organic farming

Clearing forests and grasslands for farming positive and negative?

is that both grasslands and clearing forests for farming are both negative and effective to the environment because the forests are what pollutes the air for us to breath with oxygen and that gives us nitrogen that we both need

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Is factory farming positive or negative?

It is neither. It is just a phrase coined by animal rights activists to refer to large-scale animal agriculture, though it certainly has very negative connotations.

What are the different methods of inorganic farming?

This question cannot be answered due to its self-contradictory nature. "Farming" is the growing of plants or animals, and "inorganic" means non-living. You can't grow something that is not alive.

What is the advantages of inorganic farming?

This question cannot be answered because the phrase "inorganic farming" is self-contradictory.inorganic --Not arising from natural growth.Of, relating to, or denoting compounds that are not organic (broadly, compounds not containing carbon).farming --The activity or business of growing crops and raising livestock.In other words, if it is inorganic, it can't be farmed because it won't grow.