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Q: What are the positive and negative effects of carbon dioxide?
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Is carbon dioxide an anion?

Carbon dioxide is a neutral molecule. Cations have a positive (+) charge, anions have a negative charge

What are the positive effects of electricity on the environment?

The positive effects of electricity on the environment are quite limited as mostly electricity has negative impact on the environment. Plants can be said to benefit slightly from the carbon dioxide released in the generation of electricity.

What is one gas that causes the negative effects of the greenhouse effect?

carbon dioxide (CO2)

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cancer, asma, carbon dioxide intoxication.

Is carbon dioxide formation endothermic and exothermic?

Exothermic because the heat of formation is -566. Exo- is negative and Endo- is positive.

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What are the health and environmental effects of carbon dioxide?

Health: Negative: Carbon dioxide is harmful to the body since it replaces oxygen in the blood. If not enough oxygen is breathed in as a result of excess carbon dioxide in the air, a person may faint, and possibly die. (Oxygen is needed for respiration to produce energy!).Environmental: Negative: Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas which doesn't allow heat from the earth to escape into the atmosphere and then into space; instead, it traps the heat which contributes to global warming. Positive: Plants require carbon dioxide which combines with water to produce oxygen, used by most living things, and glucose. Without carbon dioxide, this photosynthesis reaction cannot take place.

Is biomass good or bad?

Biomass is an organic material commonly used for fuel. It has both positive and negative effects. It reduces air pollution and acid rain but also decreases the carbon dioxide capacity levels of the Earth.

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What are the effects of increasing carbon dioxide?

Increasing carbon dioxide levels contribute to global warming by trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere. This leads to climate change, which can result in more frequent and severe weather events, rising sea levels, and disruptions to ecosystems. Additionally, higher carbon dioxide levels can also have direct effects on marine life, such as ocean acidification.

What is the opposite of carbon dioxide?

The opposite of carbon dioxide is oxygen, as they are produced and consumed in opposite processes during respiration and photosynthesis.

What are the atmospheric effects caused by carbon dioxide?

The plants Suck in the carbon dioxide then photosynthesis pops in and produces Oxygen.