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Q: What are the positive odd integers of 49?
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The sum of three consecutive odd integers is -147 Find the largest of these three integers?

Divide the sum of the three consecutive odd integers by 3: -147 /3 = -49. The smallest of these integers will be two less than -49 and the largest will be two more than -49, so the three consecutive odd integers will be -47, -49, and -51.

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The sum of the first 2,006 positive, odd integers is 4,024,036.

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The first odd positive integers are "1" and "3" which the sum is 4.

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The set of positive odd integers.

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The integers are 47 and 49.

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The sum of the first 5,000 odd, positive integers is 5,000 squared or 25,000,000.

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The sum of the first 230 positive, odd integers is 230 squared or 52,900.

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The sum of the squares of the first 1000 positive odd integers (from 12 to 19992) is 1333333000.

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The sum of the first positive odd integers less than 101 is 10,000.

Can anyone answer what is the sum of the first 5000 odd positive integers?

Yes. The sum of the first 5,000 odd, positive integers is 25,000,000 (25 million).

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The four consecutive odd integers are 43 + 45 + 47 + 49 = 184