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Satisfaction of giving your life to a cause, helping others, and worshipping God as you wish.

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Q: What are the positives of being a nun?
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Can a nun stop being a nun?

A nun can stop being a nun whenever she wants to do so.

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Is it a huge sin to stop being a nun?

Is it a huge sin to stop being a nun? Of the Roman Catholic Church? No. It is not a sin at all.

What are the positives and negatives about being a pizza delivery driver?

Positives - you get money Negatives - you can eat the good smelling pizza you are holding

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An enhanced cosmic awareness.

What is the origin of nun?

It is from ecclesiastical Latin 'nonna' meaning 'nun' being the feminine form of the word 'nonnus' meaning monk. Adapted into old French as 'nonne' and English as 'nun'

What did the nun's like doing?

singing, praying and being nunnish

What are the positives and negatives of being a criminologist?

well de positives are that u iz safe and stuff but the negetives iz that u can get shot or knifed or prison or u can get died

What is a palindrome that means 'a religious woman'?

"nun" is a palindrome that means 'a religious woman'.

What are the positives and negatives about being a Republican?

I doubt if the majority of the world's population really cares.

What are positives about being an anesthesiologist?

You earn six figures and have access to a wide array of drugs.

What is the negatives and positives of being a gladiator?

They are rich slaves that die easily in battles to the death.