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Q: What are the positives of smelting?
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What is smelting waste called?

Smelting waste is often referred to as slag. Slag is the byproduct generated during the smelting process when impurities are separated from the metal ore.

When was Buffalo Smelting Works created?

Buffalo Smelting Works was created in 1891.

How do you use smelting in a sentence?

The blacksmith spent hours smelting iron ore to create a new sword.

What are the positives of logging?

positives- furniture negatives- deforestation

How does smelting occur or what is involved in the process of smelting?

in a type of furnace cant remember which one or the name

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What are the positives and negatives in theocracy?

Positives: You won't have to do the country votes

When you have 2 positives do you add or subtract?

When you have 2 positives you add them.

What is waste from smelting?

Waste from smelting, also called smelting slag, is a byproduct of the smelting process where impurities and other non-metallic elements are separated from molten metal. It often contains various metals and chemicals, making it potentially hazardous to the environment if not properly treated and disposed of. Recycling and reusing smelting waste can help minimize environmental impact.

How do you make a smelting urn in runescape?

A Smelting urn can be created at 35 Crafting and is used with the Smithing skill to help with gaining experience. It can be constructed by using 2 soft clay on a pottery wheel to create a smelting urn (unf). After firing it in a pottery oven, a fire rune must be used on the Smelting urn (nr) to make a Smelting urn (r) and to enable it to collect 'scraps of metal'. Once it starts to be filled, it becomes a Smelting urn.

Is smelting an expensive process?

Smelting can be expensive due to the energy and equipment required. The cost can vary depending on factors such as the type of ore being processed and the method of smelting used. Additionally, environmental regulations and labor costs can also impact the overall expense of the smelting process.

Can you give me a sentence that has the word smelting?

The sweat on his brow proved he was smelting heavy metals because he was a blacksmith.