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Q: What are the possible solutions to urbanization?
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Which of these is a possible advantage of urbanization?

better education may be available

Why do business benefit from urbanization?

Urbanization makes it possible for important infrastructure to come up and this means the cost of production and transportation goes down tremendously. Urbanization also makes it possible for a business to have more clients as the population of the urban center grows.

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possible solutions to a problem which you could choose from

What is the effect of urbanization on culture?

Possible increase in the spread of disease. hope this help

What is meant by finding ASAP solutions?

ASAP is As Soon As Possible so I guess As Soon As Possible Solutions.

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There are infinitely many possible solutions. The question needs to be more specific.There are infinitely many possible solutions. The question needs to be more specific.There are infinitely many possible solutions. The question needs to be more specific.There are infinitely many possible solutions. The question needs to be more specific.

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What are some solutions to reduce urbanization?

Some solutions to reduce urbanization include promoting rural development to create jobs and economic opportunities outside of urban areas, implementing land use planning and zoning policies to limit urban sprawl, and investing in infrastructure and public services in rural areas to make them more attractive for living and working. Additionally, encouraging telecommuting and remote working can help shift populations away from crowded urban centers.

What solutions to urban problems did the the settlement house movement purpose?

providing housing to those who could not provide one for themselves, teaching about health, and learning about the problems caused by urbanization firsthand to help create more solutions.

Is it possible to determine the absolute density of the different solutions?

Yes, it is possible.

What are possible solutions to the drought in the Australian Outback?

Cleaning sewage and using that as a water supply and harnessing underground water resevoirs are possible solutions.

Why is there a need to identify as many possible solutions to a problem?

Certain solutions identified at certain points of time will not be suitable at a later point of time, hence it is better to have as many possible solutions to a problem.