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Q: What are the possible triggers of negative spectator-behaviour during a match?
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Why is the helix angle of a reamer negative?

The helix angle of reamer is negative because to make the reamer more regid so that the reamer can withstand the vibration during reaming

Which cultures were the first to use negative integers?

The oldest published uses of negative numbers are from China, written sometime during the Han Dynasty (202 BC to 220 AD). They were used in India as early as the 7th century AD.

What are 3 possible places to find a lantern?

street, in a pumpkin during Halloween, and at a hardware store

What is a possible effect of an error during transcript?

The wrong amino acid will be used

If the speed of an object changes from 121 ms to 98 ms during a time interval of 12s what is the acceleration of the object?

Average acceleration during the time interval = (change on speed) / (time for the change) =(98 - 121) / (12) = -23/12 = negative (1 and 11/12) meters per second2

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What triggers menses?

the hormone FSH ( Follice Stimulating Hormone) triggers the menses (period) in a healthy female. During the menses, the uterine lining is being shed.

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Blood group o positive you want to marry a boy who have b negative blood group is it possible to have a healthy children?

Yes, it is possible to have healthy children with blood group O positive and B negative. The Rh factor (positive or negative) only becomes a concern during pregnancy if the mother is Rh-negative and the father is Rh-positive. In this case, the mother may need to receive certain treatments to prevent complications during pregnancy for subsequent pregnancies. It is recommended to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Is it possible to have a negative net cash flow but positive cash on the balance sheet?

Yes. In this case you should see that the cash balance decreased during the period.

Does oestrogen and progestterone get produced by the ovarys during puberty?

Yes, they are produced by the ovaries. Though brain triggers the ovaries to produce them.

Can HIV negative women have a HIV negative baby with HIV positive man?

Women do not have sperm. If you're talking about a woman's vaginal secretions then yes it is possible and does on occasional occur during unprotected intercourse.

Can steps go out of order during puberty?

It is not usual for steps to go out of order. Because one step triggers the later step.

Why is it more likely for women to get migraines then men?

Because one of the triggers which can cause migraines are the hormones which change during the menstrual cycle.

If you take a hpt during implantation bleeding can it still be negative?

Yes, it is possible to take a home pregnancy test during implantation bleeding and still get a negative result. This is because the levels of the pregnancy hormone hCG may not be high enough to be detected by the test at that early stage. It is recommended to wait a few days and retest if you think you may be pregnant.

The downward projection in the oral cavity that triggers the swallow reflex when it receives contact is the?

The downward projection in the oral cavity that triggers the swallow reflex when it receives contact is the epiglottis. It functions to cover the trachea during swallowing to prevent food or liquid from entering the airway.

Does refinancing your home negatively effect your credit?

It can if done improperly. Be very careful during the process and if you get an attorney to help you through it, ask him or her about any possible negative effects in your case. Below is an article on refinancing.

How much Negative pleural pressure?

Negative pleural pressure typically ranges from -3 to -8 cm H2O during normal breathing, with larger negative pressures generated during forced inspiration. The negative pressure in the pleural space helps maintain lung inflation by creating a pressure gradient for air to flow into the lungs during inspiration.