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If the equation has equal roots then the discriminant of b^2 -4ac = 0:-

Equation: kx^2 +x^2 +kx +k +1 = 0

Discriminant: k^2 -4(k+1)(k+1) = 0

Multiplying out brackets: k^2 -4k^2 -8k -4 = 0

Collecting like terms: -3k^2 -8k -4 = 0

Divide all terms by -1: 3k^2 +8k +4 = 0

Factorizing: (3k +2)(k +2) = 0 => k = -2/3 or k = -2

Therefore possible values of k are -2/3 or -2

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Q: What are the possible values of k when the curve of kx squared plus x squared plus kx plus k plus 1 equals 0 has equal roots?
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