61, 67.
61 is the prime number before 67.
There are 5 prime numbers from 60 to 80:61, 67, 71, 73 and 79
61, 67, 71, 73, 79.
The prime numbers between 60 and 80 are 61, 67, 71, and 73.
61, 67.
Two of them and they are 61 and 67
61 and 67.
The prime numbers between 60 and 70 are 61 and 67.
4489 prime factors are 67 and 67
Oh, dude, the prime number between 61 and 70 is 67. It's like the cool kid at the prime number party, standing out from the rest with its indivisibility swagger. So yeah, 67 is the prime number you're looking for in that range.
61 is the prime number before 67.
There are two of them and they are 61 and 67
There are 5 prime numbers from 60 to 80:61, 67, 71, 73 and 79
1, 2, 61 and 122 2 and 61 are prime.
67 is a prime number so its factors are 1 and 67