Prime numbers between 71 to 80 = 73 and 79 Therefore there are 2 prime numbers between 71 to 80.
They are 71 and 73 which are both prime numbers
The numbers 71, 73 and 79 are prime.
They can be: 73+(-2) = 71
It is prime because only 1 and 71 multiply together to get 71. No other whole numbers multiply to equal 71.
Prime numbers between 71 to 80 = 73 and 79 Therefore there are 2 prime numbers between 71 to 80.
71 is a prime number
number of prime numbers in 71 to 80 = 3prime numbers in 71 to 80 = 71, 73, & 79
71 is prime. Its only factors are one and itself.
61 and 71 are prime numbers the rest are composite numbers
They are 71 and 73 which are both prime numbers
The numbers 71, 73 and 79 are prime.
The prime numbers between 70 and 80 are 71, 73 and 79They are: 71, 73 and 79
None, 71 is prime so the only numbers that go into 71 are 1 and itself
They can be: 73+(-2) = 71
It is prime because only 1 and 71 multiply together to get 71. No other whole numbers multiply to equal 71.
The sum of the two largest prime numbers less than 71 is 128.