79 83 89 97
They are 71 and 73 which are both prime numbers
They are all the numbers except 79 83 89 and 97 which are prime numbers because they have only two factors.
Each of the 25 prime numbers from 1 to 100 has exactly two factors, 1 and the number itself. The other 75 numbers from 1 to 100 are not prime numbers because none of them have exactly two factors.
79, 83, 89, and 97
79 83 89 97
The prime numbers from 75 through 100 are: 79, 83, 89, 97
Including 1 and 100: 75 (73 if the range does not include 1 and 100.)
There are 25 prime numbers and 75 composite numbers from 1 to a 100. A prime number has only two factors whereas a composite number has more than two factors.
The sum of all prime numbers between 60 and 75 is 272
75 composite numbers are there till 100. 100-25=75. Composite numbers are numbers greater than 1 but not prime numbers.
The prime numbers between 50-75 are: 53 59 61 67 71 73.
They are 71 and 73 which are both prime numbers
They are all the numbers except 79 83 89 and 97 which are prime numbers because they have only two factors.
79, 83, 89, 97