All prime numbers other than 2 are odd numbers. 2 is the only even prime number.
Odd. The only prime number that is even is two. Since there are many prime numbers that are odd (such as 3, 5, etc.), there are more odd prime numbers than even.
All numbers greater than 2 are composites, not prime numbers.
2 is the only even prime number. All primes other than 2 are odd numbers.
Only one number can be both even and prime, and that is the number 2.
Even numbers greater than 2 are not prime.
All prime numbers other than 2 are odd numbers. 2 is the only even prime number.
2 is the only even prime number. This is so because other even numbers are divisible by 2 which implies they are composite. So, there are no even prime numbers other than 2.
The sum of any pair of prime numbers greater than 2 is an even number.
There's only one even prime, the rest are odd.
No. All even numbers greater than 2 are not prime numbers.
Odd. The only prime number that is even is two. Since there are many prime numbers that are odd (such as 3, 5, etc.), there are more odd prime numbers than even.
There are no even prime numbers other than 2.
The only even prime number is 2.
There is only one prime number which is even - that is 2 - and it also happens to be less than 100. All other prime numbers are odd.
All numbers greater than 2 are composites, not prime numbers.