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Q: What are the problems of anitbiotics?
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What ability of molds led to the development of anitbiotics?

How they kill bacteria.

Which biological agents may be susceptible to anitbiotics but can develop resistance?


Which biological agent may be susceptibal to anitbiotics but may develop resistance?


What happens if you mix antibiotics and alcoholic drinks?

it doesnt do anything it only makes the anitbiotics not work as well as they should.......

What is the most effective weapon against bordetella pertussis?

The most effective weapons against pneumonia are anitbiotics.

Are antibiotics sold everywhere?

There are currently no anitbiotics sold on Jupiter. It is mostly comprised of gas anyways. No land, no stores. No stores, no antibiotics :(

Can you take anitbiotics taking Methotrexate?

Yes, you can. You will actually be more likely to get infections, and get them worse, when on methotrexate. At some point, you will likely need antibiotics.

If you are on birth control and you are taking anitbiotics can you get pregnant?

Antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of birth control. You should use a backup method like condoms.

Do anitbiotics cure viruses?

Absolutely NO. Antibiotics are strictly for bacterial infections. Antivirals are used for viruses but do not cure them rather they just inhibit their reproductive abilities.

What can be given to goats with diarrhoea?

Electrolytes, scourban, anitbiotics, probiotics - it depends on what is causing the diarrhoea, a change in feed, worms, coccidiosis or a bacterial infection like salmonella, yersiniosis

Are antibiotics helping your body?

Yes. Antibiotics help by killing off invading bacteria. Your body is probably trying to do the same thing, but anitbiotics may make this happen faster.

How does drowning effect your health?

Assuming that a person did not die from drowning, there is not much in the way of aftereffects. Infection in the lungs is always possible, but is easily treated with a course of anitbiotics like Augmentin or Levaquin.